What is a Business or Home Inspection?
A home or building inspection is an objective examination of the condition of the visible and accessible components of a home or building. Homebuyers now entering the marketplace view inspections as a way to gain valuable information about the biggest purchase of their lifetime. It helps them to determine whether there are any major defects or system inadequacies on the residential property before they buy, and it minimizes any unpleasant surprises or significant financial burdens later on. Home inspectors do not point out every small problem or defect in a home or residential property. Minor or cosmetic flaws, for example, should be apparent without the aid of a professional. The inspection also should not be confused with an appraisal, a municipal code inspection or a guarantee of any kind.
Take Advantage of ASHI’s Extensive Home Inspection Training
The ASHI inspector’s observations or recommendations may help to dispel homebuyer anxieties and provide useful home repair and maintenance suggestions. At ASHI, we believe that a better-educated homebuyer will be a better-educated homeowner, which is why we take our home inspection training so seriously. The home inspector’s service is primarily one of education. The goal of the inspector is to provide buyers with a better understanding of the physical condition of their prospective home, giving them peace of mind and helping them make smart decisions. To see a visual depiction of a professional ASHI inspection, visit our Virtual Home Inspection Tour.